Best of Saratoga Springs (MP3)


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These little gems are so hilarious, you’ll be convulsed with laughter, gasping for air. With occasional comments by the author, good ol’ Meatball Fulton.

Saratoga Springs was originally produced as 90 (4) minute daily episodes for National Public Radio. So many of these episodes, dealing with the lives and loves of a whole cast of wacky characters in this charming town of Saratoga Springs, are brilliant little gems. But we found that not many people will spend 6 1/2 hours listening to a series about a town they couldn’t care less about, so it was edited down to 2 1/2 hours. What a shame, because some of the finest and funniest things we’ve ever done are buried in here. So, we decided to take the very best episodes, add the author as a character to tie things together, and tell this story in a different way.