Ruby 14 Spooks of the Ancient Nullians Hi Res USB


SKU: R14HIRESUSB Categories: ,


Ruby is hired to enter “The Center.” It is sacred to some and forbidden to others. Some say, those who go in may never come out.

Meanwhile, the Digital Circus is back with three-rings. Nightmare Ellie is hired to play The Evil Clown. She scares the hell out of the local Infinis because she knows – when Evil is good, it’s really BAD.

Bootsy the android becomes an Aerialist. She dances at the top of the Big Top. But she wants to be a detective, she wants to be like a Ruby – kick-ass tough.

The Little Fritzi appears in Kapoor’s dreams. She lives on a far-off planet, she is like a small child with strange, otherworldly abilities. She knows what you are thinking.

Tim Clark’s music is non-stop. Fulton writes in black & white – Tim turns his words into techno-color.

60 minutes.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg