This is early Fulton, recorded in the late 60s. It’s a humorous view of high school in the early 1950s. As Meatball put it, “This is so outrageous, I don’t have the nerve to do anything like this now.”
“TEENAGE PAIN” Norman, out with a hot cheerleader, desperately trying to find a place to park and make out.
“WHY IS THAT?” Norman at a drive-in restaurant trying to pick up chicks. You’ll be able to smell the shakes, burgers, ad greasy fries in this one.
“BOOBS A ‘ PLENTY” This is a fine example of how the FCC can be out-foxed. It’s the first time Norman is able to lay his hands on a pair of boobs.
“BAD ASS NUMBNOTZ” A motorcycle fantasy after he’d seen Marlon Brando in “The Wild One” – Norman thinks he’s the leader of the Bad Ass Motorcycle Club. There’s a great fight scene with his arch-enemy, Engine Block Polotoski, leader of the Heaps-O-Spit.